Referring Physician

Effectively lower high blood pressure.
Effectively lower high blood pressure.

Renal denervation (uRDN) with ultrasound

Renal denervation (uRDN) with ultrasound

Recommended treatment pathway

The European Society of Cardiology (ESC)¹ and the European Society of Hypertension (ESH)² recommend renal denervation as a treatment option for hypertension.

  • The first objective of antihypertensive treatment for all patients is
    to reduce blood pressure to < 140/90 mmHg.1,2
  • If the drug treatment is well tolerated, blood pressure values of 120-129 / 70-79 mmHg
    or lower should be aimed for.1,2

Lifestyle Changes


Renal denervation with ultrasound

1 Barbato et al. Eur Heart J. Apr 17, 2023;44(15):1313-1330
2 Mancia et al. Journal of Hypertension 2023, 41:1874-2017

The three pillars for the successful treatment of high blood pressure¹

Changes in lifestyle habits

  • Reduce salt intake, stop smoking, exercise regularly, eat a diet rich in fruit and vegetables, reduce alcohol consumption and maintain a normal weight
  • Positive effect on high blood pressure and other health problems
  • Difficult to implement for most patients
  • Low adherence


  • ACE-I or ARB + CCB + diuretic (double or triple combination)
  • Supplementation with spironolactone or other medication possible

Renal denervation

  • Minimally invasive and safe procedure² (average duration less than one hour)
  • Cost-effective and easy to use
  • The majority of people with hypertension can be well controlled with a fixed combination of three active substances
  • Low adherence and persistence on the part of patients, especially in the long term
  • Intolerance to medication and/or severe side effects
  • There are general risks associated with interventional therapy
  • Proven effective in lowering high blood pressure3-6
  • “Always-on” effect regardless of time and patient behavior3-6
  • Short and safe procedure

1. Mancia et al. Journal of Hypertension 2023, 41:1874–2017
2. Kirtane et al. JAMA Cardiol. 2023 May 1;8(5):464-473
3. Azizi M. JAMA. 2023;329(8):651-661
4. Azizi M. et al. Lancet. 2018 Jun 9;391(10137):2335-2345
5. Azizi M. et al. Lancet. 2021 Jun 26;397(10293):2476-2486

Paradise™ system for renal denervation with ultrasound

Lowering high blood pressure with uRDN

  • Proven reduction in blood pressure in mild, moderate and resistant hypertension with or without drug therapy in several randomized, sham-controlled studies3-5
  • Proven safe and sustained reduction in blood pressure measured in the practice over at least 36 months3
  • “Always-on” effect regardless of time and patient behavior3-5

Pooled analysis
of systolic practice
blood pressure
after 2 months¹

systolic practice
blood pressure
after 8 years²




1. Kirtane et al. JAMA Cardiol. 2023;8(5):464-473
2. Zeijen et. al. ACHIEVE Study, TCT 2023
3. Azizi et al. JAMA. 2023;329(8):651-661
4. Azizi et al. Lancet. 2021;397(10293):2476-2486
5. Azizi et al. Lancet. 2018;391(10137):2335-2345

What can be achieved

-10 mmHg The pooled analysis of renal denervation with ultrasound using the Paradise™ system in the RADIANCE study showed a reduction in office-based systolic blood pressure (SBP) of 10.4 mmHg.¹
-27 % Stroke -17 % Coronary
Heart disease
-10 mmHg The effects of a 10 mmHg reduction in office blood pressure on cardiovascular risk.² Office SBP -28 % Heart failure

1 Kirtane et al. JAMA Cardiol. May 1, 2023;8(5):464-473
2 Ettehad et al. Lancet. Mar 5, 2016;387(10022):957-967

Time for an innovative solution for the treatment of high blood pressure

Start by identifying patients who would benefit from the innovative interventional hypertension therapy:

The Paradise™ system for renal denervation with ultrasound.